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Our Mission

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Power2Africa’s Mission

Everyone deserves equal opportunities, right? That’s what we believe at Power2Africa, but there are still nearly 1billion people in the world who don’t have basic access to electricity.

This is a crazy number and it’s our mission to reduce it by providing communities in Africa with easy, free access to electricity.

Access to electricity brings with it a huge amount of opportunity and privilege that we often take for granted. You can extend your days with lighting, use electricity for more efficient cooking, preserving food for longer, purify water, power technology and connect to the internet which gives access to reams of information and educational resources.

Access to power is just the beginning

We don’t just want to change lives, we want to inspire people to do more! That’s why at Power2Africa, access to electricity through clean energy projects is just the beginning. Once this is in place, we run a mentorship programme and business workshops to help give people in the local community some essential tools and inspiration to take themselves further.


Having this extra level of support can be a godsend. Passing on hard-learned knowledge, experience and expertise with passion and dedication from people who care. This extra guidance is key to making a lifelong difference, not only giving them the tools but showing them how to use them.

You have the power to change lives

You, yes you, have the power to change lives of people in rural African communities’ for generations to come! Sound big? That’s because it’s a huge deal with a minimal cost but a massive impact.

Just by looking at your business’s energy use and making some changes to improve efficiency, you might be able to save the equivalent of the membership fee and the purchase of three credits or more every year. Often these are non-invasive measures which you’ll hardly notice, but the difference it can have to the communities our projects are helping is massive.

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